
I have never been much of an athlete- I spent most of my schooling involved in the arts and avoiding gym related activities at any cost. 

In my adult life, I gained the usual 15 or so pounds during college which remained up until this last year or so when stress from work kept me from eating normal meals (lunches had to be car friendly and eaten in 10 minutes or so which meant a lot of carrots and pretzels were consumed) and thus I lost around 5-10 of those pounds.  Despite my happiness with that pseudo “diet” plan, it is very different being thin and being fit (especially knowing very well that when the stress decreased and the availability of delicious caloric food increased, those pounds were likely to return).

Why P90X?

I had seen my fair share of all the variations of infomercials stemming from the Beach Body line of workout dvd’s, so when my boyfriend initially proposed that we begin this seemingly insane workout plan, I was less than excited.  

He explained that as long as we:

  1. Did it together (so as to keep each other accountable
  2. Did it at our own pace (so we wouldn’t collapse and die)
  3. Had a good sense of humor about it (so that when we were about to collapse and die, we would at least laugh at our failings and be willing to get up and do it the next day.)
  4. Make our overall lifestyle (eating/working out) more healthful (aka no more pretzel/carrot lunches and Little Caesars pepperoni dinners- which he maintains that their 5 dollar pizza is the best deal in America).

And so with all this in mind we would ultimately be successful. And thus… we began the workouts.

Why Blog?

Initially my stake in the process was the fact that I’d get to try out all kinds of cool new recipes that fit into the diet plan (and spend lots of time with my boyfriend :-)). I enjoy researching various recipes online and trying new foods- so cooking was a good way to stay excited about the workout process. 

The more research I’ve done the more I’ve realized that others might benefit from the recipes we’ve tried. There have been some major winners and of course some relative losers.

Thus- I began this blog to photograph, document and spread the joy of healthy eating!


2 Responses to About

  1. Hi, nice to meet you !

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